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Job Offers

You need work?

Well, beside the Real Studio consultants referral program, you can also look for a few other job offers.

For example Aspex Software (Plymouth, UK) is looking to employ a developer on site. Email Tom Sanham for questions.
And a Swiss company is also looking for someone on the realbasic.de forum.
Today I also had a phone call today from a based Munich (Germany) company which wants to start developing a software for their company (rewrite of older project with Real Studio). I'll wait for him to come back with some details.

If you are available for projects, please tell us about. I'm asked often for referring clients to developers and I could maybe refer to you?

Also don't forget that meetings like Real World in Orlando or our meetings London, Leipzig and Pforzheim are great opportunities to introduce you to possible clients or contractors. The biggest plugin in space...
14 02 12 - 14:31