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Xojo Training in Germany and Europe with me

I just returned from a three day training in a big cooperation. One of them visited my training day at the Berlin conference and was so happy that they hired me for three days in their office :-)

Well, if you like to get a Xojo training on site, let me know. We can arrange training days in our office, in your office or meet in a hotel nearby. Usually I prefer to get you a bit disconnected from your company so you can concentrate and not respond to email/phone while you are in the training.

Common topics include introduction to Xojo IDE, basic coding techniques, demonstration of various controls and framework classes. For example using XML, JSON, RegEx or sockets classes with example projects. For database access we usually write a contacts or image database to include adding records, retrieving them, use BLOBs and prepared statements. We can dig into advanced language features like threads, declares, delegates, exceptions, variants/auto data types and the debugger.
Usually the training starts with an introduction of the trainees where we collect topic wishes.

Beside on-site training, we do have regular group training days:
Previously we had trainings in London, Berlin, Munich, Zurich, Frankfurt and a few other places.
If you have a few people interested in your area, we could offer a group training day for your group or a public one.

Training can of course also include showing you plugin features and building little projects which you can use a prototypes for your own solutions, e.g. show you how a certain feature can be done which is the core of your next solution. The biggest plugin in space...
21 09 17 - 10:10